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Living with Multiple Myeloma in Hyderabad , India . Random musings .

Lock-Down Dairies – 8 June 20 : Will there be a growth in rural areas, reviving my old Mortar and Pestle , Minimalist kitchen

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Growth in Rural Economy :

Now that the Migrants from cities are back to their villages , is it possible for the migrants to give a boost to the rural economy. While the cities now face a shortage of skilled labour , these skills are now available in small towns and villages. Would this segment of population help in setting up new businesses in rural areas. But right now  they are jobless and they are struggling with hunger too. Also heard that a lot of houses in the cities are now vacant after the migrants have vacated.

The shortage of these skills in the cities is now leading to an increase in the wages of labourers and they are in a position to demand a hike. Only time will tell what is in store for the future. Appears that the situation is going to improve the lives of rural folks , povided the government lends a hand.

Reviving my old Mortar and Pestle :

I recently joined one Facebook group named ‘Roti Pachallu’ . This group is all about making Chutneys with different veggies , lentils , greens etc. Been coming across a variety of new recipes which I never knew existed. Water melon rind chutney , Asparagus chutney , Cluster beans chutney , Tamarind flower chutney etc. All these are prepared in the traditional way using a Mortar and Pestle. My Mortal and Pestle which I bought just after my wedding was lying in the attic. Now that I am inspired by the posts in this group , I got mine down the attic and this is how it looks.

Need to spend some time curing/seasoning it , and then it is ready to be used to make chutneys. Since last one year , i have been fascinated and obsessed by the traditional ways of cooking , be it the type of Utensils or the recipes.

Minimalist kitchen :

I am also currently researching on how to achieve a Minimalist kitchen. Surely it is a more disciplined way of life and helps in having a neat and clean kitchen with minimum effort.

Author: Lifeisbeautiful the process of discovering my SELF. Enjoying the beautiful journey within, while I am on my way to experience an unknown Dimension.

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